I am an IT Director for a private Christian school in Knoxville, Tennessee. I love all things dealing with technology. I also love teaching others how to use technology to make their lives better and easier. Since I work for a school, much of my day is spent helping teachers, staff and students use their technology effectively. But in the last week, I have had three people tell me that I should find a way to help parents navigate technology in regards to their children. This is my answer. I will work to fill this blog with answers for how to keep children safe while they use technology. I will also include video blogs and my opinions about different technology gadgets that might be used to make life easier. I will talk about everything from software, to websites, to devices that might be of interest. I will also maintain a Facebook page and YouTube channel to help supplement this blog. I hope you will join me on this journey.
Good company in a journey makes the way seem shorter. — Izaak Walton